Mary Jane Falls, Las Vegas

Happy New Year! This is my FIRST official post for The EMpower Family blog, focused on family, entrepreneurship, music, travel and everything in between. And oh yeah, how to balance all of this like a Superstar Mom! I’ve wanted to start this blog for the last 3 years, so what better way to kickoff 2019 than to accomplish a goal.

We are the Markos Family – Marlene, élan, Lyric (5 yrs) and London (3 yrs) – a family of four currently living in Las Vegas, but originally from Hawaii. My husband and I are entrepreneurs and artists. Between the both of us, we have over 50 years of music (performing, recording, producing) and business experience (ranging from real estate to financial planning). Together we own EMpower Entertainment Group and BlackRock Property Management.

élan and I have always focused on setting goals and achieving our dreams. Now that we are parents of two young girls, it’s an interesting challenge to find the balance of pursuing our passion while supporting a family in order to live our best lives and create lasting memories. So if you are inspired to build a business, raise a family or live your life with passion and purpose, you’ll feel right at home here.

I wanted to make some introductions as we embark on this new blog journey filled with family life, music, travels (overseas especially Japan, Las Vegas, Hawaii), beauty, and our personal lifestyle. Our family is starting this blog to formally write down our memories in an online journal as well as to share our experiences, tips and recommendations.

As founder, Mrs. and Mommy of The EMpower Family, I’d like to briefly introduce myself. I’m Marlene Markos, a wife and stay at home mom to Lyric and London. I was born in the Philippines, raised in Hawaii and moved to Las Vegas in 2011. I’m a 50% owner of EMpower Entertainment Group, recording artist and professional singer best known for being a member of 90’s pop girl group Forté. I travel back and forth from Las Vegas to Hawaii often, and I’ve travelled all over the world singing. In a nutshell, music is life and family is everything. I love promoting products and services that make life even more amazing, especially from friends who are entrepreneurs too. Blogging is a new frontier for me in 2019. Also, be sure to check out the about me section where I’ll be sharing more about the family.

We would love for you to subscribe to our blog and connect with us on Instagram. If there is something special you’d like to see us cover or would like to collaborate on, please let us know. We’re grateful to each of you for joining our little family at the beginning of this new big adventure.
